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Kitchen Fire - Read first then watch.... important to know
Never realized that a wet dishcloth can be a one size fits all lid to
cover a fire in a pan! This is a dramatic video 30-second, very short)
about how to deal with a common kitchen fire... Oil in a frying pan.
Read the following Introduction, then watch the show... It's a real eye-opener!
At the Fire Fighting Training school they would demonstrate this with a deep
fat fryer set on the fire field. An instructor would don a fire suit and
using an 8 oz cup at the end of a 10 foot pole toss water onto the grease fire.
The results got the attention of the students. The water, being heavier than oil,
sinks to the bottom where it instantly becomes superheated.
The explosive force of the steam blows the burning oil up and out.
On the open field, it became a thirty foot high fireball
that resembled a nuclear blast. Inside the confines of a kitchen, the
fire ball hits the ceiling and fills the entire room.
Also, do not throw sugar or flour on a grease fire. One cup of either creates
the explosive force of two sticks of dynamite. This is a powerful message.
Watch the video and don't forget what you see.
Tell your whole family about this video. Or better yet, send this to them
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A chicken farmer went to a local bar.... Sat next to a woman and ordered a glass of champagne...
The woman perks up and says, 'How about that? I just ordered a glass of champagne, too!'
'What a coincidence' the farmer says. 'This is a special day for me.... I am celebrating'
'This is a special day for me too, I am also celebrating!' says the woman.
'What a coincidence!' says the farmer! As they clinked glasses the man asked, 'What are you celebrating?'
'My husband and I have been trying to have a child and today my gynaecologist told me that I am pregnant!'
'What a coincidence,' says the man. 'I'm a chicken farmer and for years all of my hens were infertile, but today they are all laying fertilized eggs.'
'That's great!' says the woman. 'How did your chickens become fertile?'
'I used a different cock,' he replied.
The woman smiled and said, 'What a coincidence.'
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Memory Face Test
This test will determine if you're getting enough sleep or if your mind has really lost it! The test consists of three parts:
You'll be shown 12 photos in the first part,
You'll be shown another 12 photos in the second part,
You'll be shown 48 photos in the third part and asked if you saw them in the first part, the second part - or never saw them at all.
When you have finished the third part, your results will be given to you.
Click here to begin.
You'll be shown 12 photos in the first part,
You'll be shown another 12 photos in the second part,
You'll be shown 48 photos in the third part and asked if you saw them in the first part, the second part - or never saw them at all.
When you have finished the third part, your results will be given to you.
Click here to begin.
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Research confirms that drinking gives you the same benefits yoga does !!!
Position of total relaxation.
Position that brings the sensation of peace and calm.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This position calms the brain and heals tired legs.
Position stimulates the midirift area and the spinal comumn.
Excelent for back pain and imsomnia.
Excelent for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and arms.
Great excersice to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and arms.
Ananda Balasana
This position is great for masaging the hip area.
This position, for ankles and back muscles.
Tones the body, and builds flexibility and helps get rid of 'stress'.
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Office Politics

They are called "Spec Taters"
Some people never do anything to help, but are gifted at finding fault with the way others do the work.
They are called "Comment Taters".
Some people are very bossy and like to tell others what to do, but don't want to soil their own hands.
They are called "Dick Taters".
Some people are always looking to cause problems by asking others to agree with them. It is too hot or too cold, too sour or too sweet.
They are called "Agie Taters".
There are those who say they will help, but somehow just never get around to actually doing the promised help. They are called "Hezzie Taters".
Some people can put up a front and pretend to be someone they are not.
They are called "Emma Taters".
Then there are those who love others and do what they say they will. They are always prepared to stop whatever they are doing and lend a helping hand. They bring real sunshine into the lives of others.
They are called "Sweet Po Taters".